Today is our seventh anniversary!! I told Toby last night that it seems like so much longer. I really meant that in a good way...I promise! I think it's because even though we've only been married for seven years, I've known Toby for over half my life. We've been through the good and the bad together. We've sailed through times when life was easy, and stuck together when things were hard. He knows how to make me laugh, lets me hog the covers, puts up with my trashy reality tv addiction, and waits (fairly patiently!) for me as I search for my misplaced keys on a daily basis. He knows all of my quirks, habits, flaws, and weaknesses. And he's still here! Seven years ago, I never could have imagined what our life would be like today. I can't wait to see what the next seven years have in store for us! And the next seven, and the seven after that...

Happy Anniversary, Toby! I love you!
Congrats guys! It couldn't have happened to a nicer couple.
Happy Anniversary!
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