***giveaway has now ended***
Yay!! It's my 100th post! I wanted to wait until tomorrow to post this, but I was way too excited! I started noticing a little while ago that lots of people did something special on their 100th post. It seemed like most people either had a giveaway, or a list of 100 things about themselves. Knowing that none of you were really that interested in learning 100 random things about me, I decided to do a giveaway! I considered a gift card, a book, or maybe something handmade. A gift card is so impersonal, though, and who knows if you would like the same books I like. And really, who wants something that I've made? (except you, mom!) Instead, I thought about one of my absolute favorite things. It is handmade, just not by these hands. How would you like to win something made by Lisa Leonard's hands??? That's right...Lisa Leonard has so graciously offered to host a giveaway here! One very lucky reader will win an Original Necklace, just like this one...personalized just for you!

Now, here is your chance to get your very own. Just leave a comment here before Monday at midnight CST telling me what you are most thankful for. Don't forget to leave your e-mail address so I can contact you if you win! That's all you have to do! I'll post the winner first thing Tuesday morning. And while you're waiting to see if you've won, pop on over to Lisa's website, take a look at the rest of her amazing pieces, and check out her blog. You could even do some Christmas shopping while you're there. Who wouldn't want to find something from Lisa Leonard Designs under the tree?
So go ahead...start commenting!
Congratulations on your 100th post. Such a beautiful necklace you have.
I am most thankful that God chose me to be the mom to twin boys.
Congrats! How did the photo session go today? I am registering for the giveaway, this is so exciting. How cool that she donated a giveaway....
Congrats on your 100th post! I had fun reading back over your previous posts as well...those girls are so cute (and I just can't get over how long and beautiful their hair is!!
Keep up the blogging!
lynley Phillips
I'm most thankful for my family!
Congrats on the 100th post! I have loved every one of them. Of course I am thankful for my family, but I am also thankful for my "extended family" of friends that are my support group with family living so far away. And I'm not just saying that to butter you up so you will pick me. But, maybe it helps?! :)
I am most thankful for my salvation and my beautiful family.
I love reading your blog and I am so glad we are friends! Your blog is a wonderful reminder of this special time and all of the great memories.
Thank you to Lisa for donating a necklace.
Congratulations on your 100th post! What a wonderful way to celebrate with a giveaway! That is very thoughtful of you. The necklace is beautiful and would look so great with Bryce and Drew on it! :)
What I am most thankful for...that Jesus died on the cross for my sins! That I know I will spend eternity in heaven. And of course, I am thankful that he gave me twin boys!
I am most thankful for the health of my family and friends! As I get older, and my parents get older, I realize how precious good health is and can change in an instant.
I am most thankful for my beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, and rambunctious son, Brooks. He turns two today! I can't believe that I've been blessed by his sweet face for two whole years! I'm so thankful for each new thing he learns every day. He is truly amazing. I'm also thankful that we are anxiously awaiting a new baby in April! What blessings will our next child bring? I can't wait to see! Leslie, thanks for this opportunity. I hope your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Miranda Beckmann (mir_beckmann@hotmail.com)
I am so thankful for my beautiful children and my amazing husband. I am so blessed to have such a precious family.
I'm thankful you're going to pick me as the winner of the necklace!
I'm also thankful to have such an awesome, forgiving God, a great husband (who thankfully is forgiving, too!) and precious 10 month old boy, who, when he realizes that he is the firstborn and thus the guinea pig in our parenting experiment, will be forgiving too!!
Heather Peroyea
I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and pumpkin pie, muffins, bread... :)
I am thankful that God loves us and sent his Son for us and I'm thankful that my kids' are learning that at a young age.
We've had a hard couple of weeks lately with deaths in the family and a recent diagnosis of cancer for my Papa Jack, but through it all my family has been right there to help support each other. I am thankful for the man I call Papa Jack because even though he's technically a stepgrandpa - he's my grandpa... He never saw me or my brothers as different grandkids or anything.
I am thankful for a family that pulls together ALWAYS - even though we drive each other nuts! I am thankful for a supportive husband and fantastic kids.
I'm also thankful that I have good friends who will load up and go see New Kids On The Block with me! ;)
I love visitng your blog because you I love all of the music you have selected! Congrats on your 100th post.
I am thankful for my husband's sense of humor, especially with both of us not sleeping lately!
I am thankful for God's faithfulness even when I am not faithful.
I am thankful for your giveaway!
And...I am thankful that I am almost done with school :>).
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. It's so nice to meet you! Please stop again soon!
Congrats on your 100th post! What a fabulous giveaway! I love Lisa's stuff! She is so talented!
I am most thankful for my sweet husband and kids.
Have a great weekend!
Jodee (jodeeleader@live.com)
I am thankful for pizza, Dr. Pepper, football, nachos, Napoleon Dynamite, pizza, George Lucas, heavy metal music, family, and pizza.
what nice necklaces. i would love one. I am thankful for my cat, Smokes as well as my wonderful family and boyfriend. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm thankful for each new day!
Every morning is a new beginning, and the day is different opportunities, more time and fresh chances!
ah! i love lisa leonard! i drool over her site all the time. i love seeing her new pieces! (shes on my 'favorites' list!)
i would absolutely LOVE a necklace by her!!!!
i am thankful for so many things but i'm gonna have to say i'm most thankful to be able to be a mother.
I am most thankful for my sister because she is a pillar of strength for me through hard times.
Your daughters are beautiful!
I have so much to be thankful for it's hard to list it all. Mostly I'm thankful for all that God has done for me. He is an awesome God and I am glad to be called one of His.
Love the necklace! Thanks for offering this wonderful giveaway!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I am most thankful for my daughter and husband. I give thanks every day for them and feel so blessed to have them in my life.
I think these pieces are so unique & beautiful!
One things to be Thankful for- I don't have just one thing.
I am so very thankful for my health, my family, my children, my husband, for freedom, for the things that I have and the things that I get to do. More then anything I am thankful to know that I am a daughter of God who loves me and listens to me everyday.
There's is nothing more important than loving family, friends and health. I'm really thankful for all of this above.
Congratulations on the number of your posts! May them be more and more :)
i am mostly thankful for my loving husband and for all that he does for me. he is my rock and i love him dearly.
I'm thankful for my wonderful fiance who helps me with everything that I do.
I am so thankful for my husband and the rest of my family. I am thankful for being a Christian and being where I am today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am most thankful for my family, generic answer but my daughter and husband and the best things to ever happen to me :-)
Congrats on your 100th post!
Great Giveaway...i just posted a gratitude post on my blog but to sum it up here...I am most grateful for the good people that enter my life to help along the way...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am thankful for my wonderful and supportive husband who is also a great daddy. For my precious 1yr old son and for our little boy who will be joining our family the end of March(or April). Family is such a wonderful gift!!
Darling necklace, hope I win!!!
I am most thankful for my family, that special core of people who love and support and nuture unconditionally, at times selflessly. We are none of us perfect, but I am never so much at my best as when they are beside me.
Beautiful necklace, by the way.
I am most thankful for my sweet baby girl...I can hardly remember what life was like without her. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Leslie! I dont normally comment on anyones blogs but in this case with a beautiful necklace possibly in it for me I will!!!:)
I am most thankful for my family! They mean everything to me and God has blessed me so graciously!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am most thankful for my loving family.
Hi there -- I am most thankful for my amazing family! And hey, I'm a twin!!
Hope you have a great weekend.
I am thankful for my son, even when he irritates me.
I'm thankful for my mother. Who would love this necklace.
I'm a thankful to be surrounded by friends and family who love me, and being blessed with an amazing son and husband!!
thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
I'm most thankful that I live in a country that allows me to express my viewpoints without fear of retribution.
I am thankful for such a wonderful husband. He is the best father around!
This is a very beautiful necklace!
In Belgium we don't really celebrate thanksgiving, but I'm grateful for a lot of things...
I am most thankful for living in a peaceful part of the world, with enough money to buy food and clothing, where most people treat girls respectfully and don't see them as throw away sex slaves. I'm very grateful that I can walk around on my own without having to fear for my life, that I have close friends who care for me, that I am valued as a human being.
After reading about all the atrocities women in Congo have to suffer, I am convinced that being able to feel safe and loved is the most important thing to be grateful for... So much more important than being rich or popular.
I'm thankful for my family and friends, and my sweet doggy.
I am most thankful for my faith.
I am most thankful for my daughter Chloe. Her being in my life has given my clarity as to what is really important in life, Family!
I am most thankful for the knowledge of who I really am. Everything else flows from that.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to meet you! Your girls are too precious! I stop by to say Hi and find out you are hosting a contest! Wow!
I love these necklaces and really want one - so thanks for giving us a link to her store.
I am thankful for my family. I love my family more than life itself. When pregnant with my girls - we found out the rare type of pregnancy I had & risks that my girls had to overcome. Abby & Emma were born healthy & happy. My family are the most important people in my life and for that I am thankful.
What an awesome post & comments! I am so grateful for many things, my boys, my wonderful husband, Jesus' love and grace. I am so thankful for friends who are so giving and a hoot to be around!
If it's not too late please add me to your draw - your site is awesome and your girls so cute !!
I *heart* Lisa Leonard's designs! I've admired her things for such a long time. :)
I'm most thankful for my sweet family. :)
Also, thank you for your sweet comment on the apple/placecard!
WHOA! 100 posts! That's alot :)
And I'm most thankful for the internet! I get such great ideas for things to buy!
Hi Leslie,
Wow! 100th post...and I am thinking where do you find the time?? :) Your page looks great- Kaylee
Let's see ~what am I most thankful for... I would definately say Faith, family and friends and health, but can't leave out the fact that God has allowed each of us to be born in an incredible country -America- where we can follow Jesus without persecution.
Congratulations Leslie!! I am so thankful for your inspiring blog! Thank you for sharing your life with us.....You are a blessing!
Hi Leslie :)
Your daughters are so beautiful and it has been fun hearing the hectic details of a daily life with twins!
I'm am thankful for my little family - the support that my husband provides and the sweet little smile from Kendall that can make the frustrations of my workday melt away :)
I got your e-mail. I didn't realize my comment needed to say what I was most thankful for. I am most thankful for my wonderful marriage centered in Christ.
Yea! Add me to your list - I want a Catherine and Grace necklace too. Do you think Jackson would mind??? :)
I think I'm sneaking in just under the wire! I'd love to win this necklace!
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