yesterday at my in-laws, the girls did a little
gardening. their garden consisted of rocks, sticks, dirt, grass, bumbleberry seeds, flowers, and an acorn. they "planted" all of this on the driveway. i'm pretty sure they are expecting to find a beautiful assortment of flowers growing on the concrete when they return. i wonder what they will do when they see a car there instead?
i'm thankful for:
1. a wonderful, relaxing weekend with friends
2. my husband, who took care of the girls while i was gone
3. getting a little color this weekend...i can't call it a tan, but it's an improvement!
4. coming home to a clean house and clean dishes
5. a power nap
beautiful girls! i'm so glad you're doing the "thankful" thing! i keep forgetting to!
Kens and I were just looking at this and she said "Oh no Catherine and Grace made a mess. I can help you clean it." Then she proceeded to sing the clean up song. We have been talking about playing with them ALL day, we really do need to get them together more often.
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