I've noticed a few of my bloggy friends playing along with Nicole, from What a Trip!, on Thanksgiving Thursday, and I thought today would be the perfect day to join in! Honestly, we've not had the best week, and I think it's about time to change my focus. There is so much I have to be thankful for...
1) My husband, who works ridiculously long hours this time of year and doesn't complain about it. He works so hard to provide for us, and I'm thankful to have married a man who is not only a great husband, but a wonderful dad! The girls truly adore him!
2) A weekend getaway! It will just be a little over 24 hours, but I get to go visit a really good friend of mine tomorrow...without the kiddos!!!
3) Silly girls. I'll admit that sometimes I wish they'd tone it down a little, but they do keep me laughing!
4) Fabulous friends! I really do have the best friends - ever! I have the kind who know just what to say (or not say), call at the exact moment that I need them, and love me unconditionally, quirks and all!
5) My new iPhone. Shallow, I know, but I love it! Even if it has a mind of its own.
6) Living near family. I live within 20 minutes of my parents and in-laws! They have all come to my rescue numerous times over the last 4 years!!
7) Baby Allen's safe arrival! Our friends Sara and Robert had their first baby boy yesterday, and we are so excited for them!! Can't wait to see him...hopefully soon!
8) BSF. If you've been reading my blog, you've heard me mention it before, but I'm so thankful for the lessons I'm learning this year! And for what the girls are learning.
9) Oldnavyweekly.com. Thanks to a heads up from my sister, I got a coupon for $75 off $100! Seriously!
10) The Imagination Movers! Yes, I'm the adult, but I had just as much fun as my kids at the concert! They were so good!
What are you thankful for?
It's so great to take a day each week and remember all we are thankful for, isn't it?
WOW! I will have to check out that Old Navy site! AWESOME!!!
BFS? I will follow the link and see what that is too :)
PS I am new to your blog, followed over from Nicole. Wanted to say "hi" to a fellow twin mama:)
Even if it's shallow, Iphones are awesome ;-)
Great list!
I was thankful for my G1 when I got it, shallow or not...
BSF is great! I used to be a part of a similar group called CBS. Same principle. LOVED it!
Thanks for joining in. HAppy Thanksgiving Thursday!
PS, your girls are beautiful!
I enjoyed reading your Thanksgiving Thursday list! You do have soooo much to be thankful for! I think it is sooo important to stop and count our blessings!
We are thankful for some of the favorite things!
My sister just got an iphone & LOVES IT!!! I will look you up on Facebook! I love chatting with Twin Mommas!
Oh, seriously about the oldanvy!?!?! Checking it out now!!!
Great list. Maybe I join to Thanksgiving Thursday for the first time.
Oh that was so sweet! And as we are looking for distractions from the fact that we are awake at 1:30 in the morning in the hospital, the post about Catherine's wish was particularly appreciated. We both laughed out loud!
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