Being a mom of twins is really unique. Especially when they're identical twins. They have this whole world that I'm not a part of. A bond that no one can break or even understand. They know what the other is thinking before she has a chance to speak. They can make each other laugh without saying a word. They've been best friends since birth. If you think about it, they've known each other longer than I've known them. They were together before I even knew about them. Watching them grow together over the last 3 1/2 years has been amazing. I can't wait to see what lies ahead.
Aww...Leslie. This has to be one of the most precious pictures I've ever seen. Truly. They are so adorable, and I can only imagine that their bond will grow stronger as they get older.
Sisters. Forever. No matter what! :)
They are so precious. I love this picture!
Missed those two precious girls in choir tonight! But I do have to agree that their bond is closer than anyone can imagine. I lived with twins my Senior year in College.. just me and them. They are so tight and now they are half way around the world from each other.. but still manage to talk almost daily. I also dated a twin in high school....Enjoy .. they grow up fast!
We are SO blessed to be the mom of twins. It is such a special bond and relationship that they share. They are absolutely darling!
Hi Leslie! Thank you for this sweet post. I agree, I'm simply an observer sometimes. My twins have their own language and their own way of communicating with each other that I know nothing of. In some ways, I miss being "in on" all their little secrets, but in another way, I'm so thankful they have each other. btw, their dresses are so cute! Where did you find them?
Their dresses are from Gymboree Outlet. Cheap, cheap!
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