I'm learning with the girls that experience is often the best teacher. I'm always trying to warn them when they're doing something dangerous or thoughtless, but they don't listen. "Don't run on the tile in your socks! I don't want you to fall." CRASH! "Keep you cup away from the edge of the table so it doesn't spill." SPLASH! "Don't bend your headband like that...it might break." SNAP! "Don't stand on your chair like that or you'll hit your chin." THUD! At least a dozen times a day I can be heard saying, "Watch where you're going. You're going to run into something" Well, folks, I think she might have finally learned her lesson...

This morning the girls were running in the yard with a friend when it happened. My friend and I could see it happening like it was in slow motion. There was Catherine, running at full speed, heading straight for a tree. She was, of course, looking behind her. I tried to warn her, but it was too late! She turned to look just in time to hit the tree with the side of her face. She didn't cry for too long, and I was actually surprised it didn't turn out to be much worse than it is. I bit my tongue and didn't say any of the things that were going through my mind. No, I didn't say "I told you so." Not even under my breath. I cleaned her face and held her in my lap until she was calm. You know what the first thing she said was? "I guess I should have watched where I was going." Maybe she's been listening all along!
that picture is so pittfully cute! My dad used to get onto me for the same thing. I would always get in a hurry or a frenzy and hurt myself. I'm embarassed to say that it hasn't improved much in my adulthood.
That picture is so pitiful - bless her heart! Bless your heart - I'll bet it stopped for a second as you saw her hit that tree.
You know it's just a kid thing they all go through! Wouldn't it be great if they listened to us wise old parents! We really were goofy kids once - we know what we're talking about!
Hope has a HUGE bruise on her cheek from falling against the hall tree. She's learning to walk and is still tumbly!
Luke stood on top of his headboard last night, fell and hit the table, then the chair, then the side of his crayon box (which is actually a caboodle - remember those!) which was open... BIG OUCH right across his little bottom...
Maybe they will listen one day! Poor little Catherine. I hope it heals soon.
Poor, poor baby. You know if a child is sitting still for long enough to take a photo like that, she's not 100 percent. I found your blog through your twin-mom friend, Jessica (I'm friends with her sister-in-law) and LOVE it! I've got a set of identical girls who just turned a year old ... I think reading your blog will be a good primer for issues I might be facing in the next few years. :-) Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Poor sweetie....and amazing YOU for not doing the "THAT is why...."
which I all to often fall into.:(
You're a wonderful Mama! :)
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